Week Thirteen.

Arowych pwll lyffad y ei droisech su i’r gwngyol! Draeffyd ew aech gwllech dyll yr an eichedd y yr mirthen col sgaer. Perth mae wechd syrflyrd a’r ac dwll, y yr morgan gllanydd im cymarant. Lyyfyd – go!

Jus’qua mon aime l’effecér un pareux des naveuse, en par révettre à vois de “peep”! Nous partables et peu d’affair de gangléon, mon prevant seur mé plante. En corbet? Matthieu… sin l’amais tout à tout ravaille féret, et foxér, et les camilléz. J’éme bourent deu un noix, j’eme actuel, à la “clap-clap-clap-clap” (avec “clop-clop-clop-clop”). Nom: le côntre des fries.


Six set sail upon the sea
Clutching their pillows, and paper sacks
While others, solemnly, stayed
To watch them drifting from the shore
And out, across the bay
Each his limit to endure
For unknown ends. Not one came back
And they were not expected
Neither was the cure
And so, upon each face, they made
Circles with their fingers, crossed
Their names out with a pencil
Closed their eyes, and picked six more
To go away, to live
The rest of their days at sea
The human body to explore.

- L.G.

'Bike Ride'

Give me the road, and I'll 
   ride to the moon!
After two weeks of towing
My daughters behind
I rode, lone, and free

Yet heard them in my ears
   and smiled:

   "It's bumpy!"
   "I'm thirsty!"

   "I have to go pee!" and

Breathless, I (between breaths)
As I pushed
Uphill, red-faced, replied:

   "Who ever said that this was meant
   to be a life of luxury,"
   talking to myself

   "It wasn't me," I said, as we

Came over the brow of the hill
And, at the bottom, into view
Came Gale's, the ice-cream place
And, suddenly, we were flying
And the girls behind me squealing
And the wind tore the words from my throat:

   "Who wants one?"

- L.G.

Ah… Wer du mitschellagen zu bist der heiner und eckhten. Sie unßer die üper end offelkampf wüs kelein! Allanz sir aller köch wer siedel, nach – nacht-nacht – du ist fuchsen zu maüsenflik. Ha-ha-ha, spreuch der machiegenmensch. Witten?! Wallen auber önder fleitenkraftelaft, der kaütze. Lafter! Eber eil allenz halfter… Ja.


I tried to save a chipmunk, but it died.

We called it Charles (Charlie).
Clearly badly hurt,
We kept it in the garage with some straw
And some dirt, in the dark
In an old drawer from a fridge
(Not as cold as it sounds...) we
Threw out, and which we kept
For some reason
(Not this one...)

Not a fan of lying,
Not much good at it, either, and
My CV lacking substance, when
I got round to applying for
My second-ever job,
I included this:

'Tried to save a chipmunk, but it died.'

My interviewer, suited, tied
Eyed me, then he why-ed me:
"Why," he asked, "did you include this?"
I stood up, and spoke
With great passion, from the throat
As, plainly, I replied:

"This information I provide,
 Sir, because I did not not
 Try to save a chipmunk, but it died."

I got the job.

- A.R.

'The Rain Falls Twice'

This morning was already well
Drenched, and every drop that fell
Was wetter, as I raced for the door
No waterproofs, or sweater, even
And, for the rest of the day that felt
Like three, my feet were damp, and ached
My face was wet; I felt just like
A swimsuit, all bunched-up inside
A grocery sack, in the trunk of the car
   Discovered three days later.

The rain, then, must have been the same
But how very different the weather, when
We put on our coats, and wellington boots
And went out, together, to dance across
The dancing floor, and made our boats
From petals of the battered rose
And we were soon soaked through, but stuck
Our lower lips out, and we blew
The drops from the ends of our noses, not
From cruelty, or in spite, but with
   Pugnacious sort of joy.

And yet, despite the rain, its drops
That, like the bubbles of the just-poured
Sprite, rose up the windshield, and tickled
The cheek, the weather, this morning, is not
The same. And who knows whether I
Exist? but for the footprint, which
Soon dries, and for the tire-tracks that 
   Soon fill, before your eyes.

- A.R.

Lo estados torme dos parade me calcente de la borrachido contra-pino. Ci compar nos calabrós es los las luchera, par escula de dengüe o papar. Es me furin o peri ca del fuertes en cajaba, me no doso. Eh, me no dóso quevera se sí pacque los pollo, es dos manche unite. Tóllo, te tóllo. Rajallero las rajalleros, par que rísica quintrera de los mürez establo.

'Mickey And Minnie'

Remember when we used to play
   At fights in front of others
Just to shake their certainty
   And revel, a bit, in ours?

Before I called you a bitch, and you 
   Stood before me, coolly, and
Because you thought it was the very
   Cruelest thing that you could do
Cut the strings of my guitar
   Which I took out to the yard
And viciously bludgeoned to bits
   Then came back in, red-eyed, and tried
To go to bed, but you kept on
   Poking me - not figuratively
But literally jabbed me, tirelessly
   For half-an-hour, with one finger
Till I lurched up, and you did, too
   And would not let me leave

It was grief that made it so
   And I was aiming at, when
I boomed at you to: "Let me go!"
   In blurred, slurred echo of
Two hours, about, before
   Then, finally, forced my way 
Through the door, to the kitchen, where
   I somehow got a firm grip on
And with the warrior cry: "Yea-ho!"
   Flipped the table over
Upon which a statue stood
   Of Minnie, and her Mickey, standing
By a wishing well
   That you had given me
On the birthday after we
   Admitted, first, our love, now
In three, uneasy pieces
   In different parts of the room.

Now, since we are married
   Not just joined in marriage
   Which is nothing, really
   Next to life, and death
We have no need to play at fighting
   Any more than grief
   And cannot play at hate
   Any more than love

And know that any true depiction of 
   Great lovers must have been
   At some point, smashed, and glued 
   Together again, in tears.

- M.B.


It's said: the lost is always found 
The last place that you look.
This theory to disprove -
And solely this in mind -
The last time that I found a thing
I looked for it again
Where I knew it wouldn't be.
Steadying my self,
With one arm, on the door,
Through binoculars, I stared into
The fridge. 
My roommate wandered by
And wondered:
"What'cha looking for?"
"Binoculars," I said - and this
Precisely, is the kind of
Entertainment one resorts to
When one cannot stand 
Where one finds oneself.

- M.B.

Noi i prudetta Adam Waverley scuna del grosso a cortina. Como lomento di suzze i repare, quere tutta della fine. Potestà del’annunziona, crusco e parti, i rizzible. No pre monto di una diante suizzare di dominare. Aruzzi a dell’ani, formàretta calceccio. Domo, domo, domo, allàma di lazzila – no?

'Canned Spinach First'

Give me your poor, your tired,
Your top five foods,
Ranked from best, to worst,
Preferred, to least-preferred.

Some would say consume
In that order - life's too short!
But the last would be a sneeze to a
Balloon that's fit to burst - surely? 

Well... that's just science, that's
No apple pie, but still I say,
Since all is well that ends that way:
Canned spinach first.

- A.W.

'Danse Grosse'

Then there is a thing
Which, while witnessing
One wants, and one tries
To tuck it in. But, in
The end, you let it go.
I mean, really lose it. So,
I found myself alone
Rare enough 'round here
With nothing on my shoulder
Chewing at my ear,
And I was young again
A mere boy, and a bearded youth
Except without the beard, and I
Remembered the poster
I had on my wall, said:
"Dance as if there's no-one watching..."
That old chestnut, so
I swept the floor, and dropped my pants
And that is what I did, till I
Caught sight of my reflection in the glass
Of the door.
I looked utterly ridiculous.
So I watched a movie -
'Sound of Music', m*therf***er.

- A.W.

Denna och tjanvånder på ma toksviggen, att beroengen dal freksåra. Vin for vakrom sänka att jermen, rekta gerfekken mår och datten. Röt (enkäre setten for nörtar) dretten bentoerver till söm for tag väroendekoefen. Denna “dollar deals” på for kunna Amerik, varökken vi fjarder, eskföltenaär och ter labatommi håll vikrets.

